The Rice Java Trip of Indonesian Minister to Control Grain Prices of Farmers

Rabu, 8 Maret 2017 07:40:30

Lamongan, East Java  - Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman started the Java Rice Trip to monitor the rice harvest and grain farmers who was purchase by National  Logistics Agency (Bulog) here in Tri Tunggal village of Babat subdistrict on Tuesday (March 7).

"This is our dream for decades, as happened today, Indonesia is no longer import rice. I asked for army soldiers, village officials, and Bulog here worked hard to buy grain farmers. There is no reason, take all to Bulog warehouse. I got instruction from the president to lead these activities. If Bulog warehouse is full, take it to a military warehouse, and empty warehouse in police station," Minister Sulaiman in his speech in here.

He reminded, four months ahead Bulog targeted purchased four million tons of grain from farmers across the country, then Indonesia will not import rice in 2018, and specialized in Lamongan, Mr Sulaiman set the target Bulog Bojonegoro purchase 600 tons of grain per day.

From the purchase of grain crops in Tri Tunggal village until 10:30 a.m, the Bulog Bojonegoro purchase 1,172 kg of grain, the price 3,700 rupiah per kg according to the Government Purchase Price (HPP) an average water content 30% and 15% empty dirt.

Realization of the purchase of grain it spurred Minister Sulaiman asked the head of Bulog Bojonegoro, Hermawan Supandi to purchase 600 tons of grain per day across Lamongan District.

Meanwhile, the Regent Lamongan Fadeli complained the Bulog policy is not maximized purchase grain from farmers, "and do not buy when the minister came here."

The Java Rice Trip activities related to instruction of President Joko Widodo to accelerate the purchase of grain from farmers, especially in some districts because the price of government purchase 3,700 rupiah per kg, and Agriculture Ministry targets the Bulog in March - October 2017 reached four million tons.

Minister Sulaiman made a working visit from East Java to West Java began today (March 7) to Saturday (March 11) carry out the instructions of President Widodo to ask the Bulog immediately moves to control grain prices as regulated by the Presidential Decree 20/2017, the maximum water content of 30%.


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